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View Full Version : Interested in building themes?

03 Jul 2009, 02:23 PM
I'm new around these parts, so let me know if I should have posted this elsewhere.

I'm a GPL developer (meaning, unpaid and developing for fun - I have a day job :-) - I'm interested in getting acquainted with any web designers who are of like mind - in other words, don't mind doing minimal (aka, not all-consuming) work in the GPL world, unpaid, but with lots of satisfaction as a benefit.

I've developed and maintained over the last few years an object oriented piece of blogging/CMS software called Bloo. It's a departure from a lot of the more well-known blog softwares. It's entirely object oriented, and both the presentation layer and the database layer are driven by XML, with full abilities of the user to overlay the templates to create any kind of site they want, and to display their site using different themes.

The trouble is, I'm not really much of a design person. I've spent time converting over some wordpress themes (wordpress is great software, and definitely the world-leader in this space, but I wrote Bloo in many ways as a reaction to the way WP is architected). I have a theme site here: Bloo Themes. As you can see, there are a number of themes there but not nearly enough.

I'm wondering if anyone's interested in trying their hand at creating some themes for Bloo? Full credit (no money, of course, but FULL CREDIT :-) ) will be given and I'll deploy your themes on the themeblog. Eventually I'd like to find someone to really take that part of the software on, and become part of something big.

So, if interested, please reply and I'll get back to you.

Moderator: If this is an inappropriate post in this space, let me know - I want to collaborate with some like-minded LAMP and web design geeks, just looking for the right place to do so.


[Mod Edit - No signatures/advertising for non-established members.]

05 Jul 2009, 06:10 PM
Moderator -

Thanks - I understand.