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View Full Version : How do I link to an already expanded list?

05 Jul 2009, 01:41 AM
I have an expandable list on my new website, which lists a number of website FAQs. Upon clicking on a question, a simple Javascript expands the list to reveal the answer.

I want to be able to create links on other pages that will open the FAQ page, with a particular question already expanded. I can link to each question easily enough (because each one is uniquely identified), but I don't know how to get the link to then expand a specified question.

I do not know much about this kind of stuff, and the script I use to expand/collapse (from my FAQ page, shown below) was provided by a friend:

function toggleExpandCollapse(ID,toggle)
{var server = top.location.host;
var doChgImg = (document.getElementById(ID).src=='http://'+server+'/_derived/Expand_btn.gif');
var swap = document.getElementById(ID);
if (doChgImg)
ulStyle = document.getElementById(toggle).style;
ulStyle.display == 'none' ? ulStyle.display = 'block' : ulStyle.display='none';}