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View Full Version : User-controlled continuous music on CSS site

09 Jul 2009, 12:32 AM
Is there a way to add a music player (small) that will not auto load (user has to push play) and has volume control? I would like it to play without interruption while the user navigates through the site. I would also like to be able to fast forward and/or see a small playlist (about 3-4 songs). My site is sort of old-fashioned, so I don't really want a flashy high-tech looking thing. The site looks hand-drawn and vintage. I've been trying to find skins for media players that look like records or phonograph players- to no avail. So I'm thinking I just need something small and simple (unless someone knows where to find a skin like that- or a tutorial on how to build one?).

I know there are sort of several questions in one in here, so thank you in advance. I've been searching google for over 4 hours about this. =(