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View Full Version : My homepage

11 Jul 2009, 03:28 PM
I'm trying to make a site that will a) serve as a good place to hold background about me and my professional career (a resume of sorts), b) will give potential clients some enough information about my qualifications to move ahead with picking me as their web designer and c) as a site with useful information for designers.

So I guess I'm asking you guys: how am I doing?


P.S. If you have enough time, what do you think of a resume template I came up with?

15 Jul 2009, 03:44 PM
i like your work. I recently took my first web design class and really liked it and have been working on a few project of my own. One of the things thats really been bugging me lately is trying to figure out how to have an object span the entire width of a page, like you have in your website: http://www.ddrewdesign.com/saradrew/ where the blue background on top spans the entire width and then below the brown background also spans the entire width.

If you could help id really appreciate it, ive only had 1 class that didn't teach much html at all (it was php) so alot of formatting stuff ive had to learn on my own.