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View Full Version : Medical Billing Website - Almost Finished - Feedback Please

17 Jul 2009, 02:30 PM

I recently did a full re-design on my companies website. I just wanted a few people to review it and post some feedback on any improvements or changes that may need to be made.

The layout was fully designed in photoshop, the slices were done in image-ready, and the content/code was done in dream-weaver. I am currently working on breaking down the code a little bit so the site has a better loading speed.

Here is a link to the old version of the website - www.umusa.net (http://www.umusa.net)

Here is a link to the new version of the website - www.umusa.net/newsite (http://www.umusa.net/newstie)

I feel that it is a big improvement. I am currently trying to find a flash designer that will make a small flash file for me for about $25.00 - $50.00. I can pretty much make what I want in image ready but I'ts cleaner in flash. I basically want to take the United Medical Logo on the www.umusa.ent/newsite page. The little I in it which looks like the man, I want to come running from behind the logo starting out small and as he gets closer get bigger, towards the end I want him to jump up in the air either do a flip and land where the I belongs or Just jump into it so that the logo looks exactly how it does now. I can provide you with the logo as a psd or how ever you would like it, but please let me know if anyone would be available to do that. r.padovani@live.com


Ryan A. Padovani
United Medical, LLC
Web Administrator