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View Full Version : How To Make A Blogroll

18 Jul 2009, 06:58 PM
Hi Gang,

Before I start, I have a question for you guys: Do people still bother with blogrolls? Are they yesterday's news and if so, what has replaced the blogroll?

Anyway, I'm trying to create a blogroll and I'm running into a few problems. I tried using Blogrolling.com and I added a few sites and their links. I got the code that Blogrolling gave to me and when I put it in my little layout, all I got was a link to Blogrolling.

I was supposed to see the sites and their updated posts but I didn't get that.

So, should I continue with Blogrolling.com or is there another way of me doing this? (Hopefully, an easier way of doing it. There must be a code to do this, but I haven't found it yet on the Web.)
