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View Full Version : database search

03 Aug 2009, 08:22 AM
I have a client who wants to have a database of a certain profession within their state that are searchable via their site by zip, city, or name. I assume I'd need a sql database and some sort of php searchbox or something that would look through the data? is there any type of tool out there that could aid in creating this kind of search or can someone point me towards what technology i'd need to get started?


03 Aug 2009, 01:01 PM
A CMS would be ideal for this although you will need some bespoke development done with it to shoehorn your requirements in.

Joomla or Drupal would handle it but both would require a level of development and to do that you will need to know how the code works

You wont be doing this quickly. A steep learning curve and lots of work.

I teach PHP if you are interested. I dont tackle individual coding projects but cover all the basics with the language which may help you