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View Full Version : Help newcomer please!!!

08 Aug 2009, 02:24 AM
Hi I am very interested in learning how to create simple websites. But I need to ask a couple questions from the more experienced designers around here. First off I bought my friends never been used macromedia mx suite the other day ( looked up some other newer versions, way out of budget). Is this software still new enough to create basic business informational websites??? Also the other day I bought the book " Dreamweaver MX for dummies" but it barely touched on any of the things I need to build a website, read though it and I still have no idea what to do, So are there any books or tutorials for this specific soft bundle to help me off the ground and onward to making professional websites??? The bundle came with Dreamweaver mx, fireworks mx, flash mx, freehand 10

any help at all would be appreciated


08 Aug 2009, 03:52 AM
MX is fine for building basic websites. There is slightly less CSS support and less gadgets and gizmos than newer versions but you can work around these as you get more experienced.

I have a copy of MX for Dummies and it isn't too bad. The main issue is that the first 10 chapters cover table based design and that is a not the modern way of building sites. I didn't start to get my head around CSS until I joined a couple of forums and could ask direct questions.

I would always recommend http://w3schools.com/css/css_intro.asp to start to get to grips with CSS based designs and then work from there.