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View Full Version : Can anyone help create 'grey' edges to my webpage.

09 Aug 2009, 09:50 AM

Can anyone help me with my website ... www.luke-butcher.com .... I want to add a grey side/border similar to the one used on these sites

http://www.bdonline.co.uk/ (ideally I'd want it to be striped like this but would settle for block colours)


PS if this is the wrong place to post this sort of request apologies.

10 Aug 2009, 09:52 AM
I love how everyone here is so polite. :-)

Butcherluke, take a look at this:


It's the background image for the architectsjournal.co.uk page you referenced. It's only 1 pixel high. Repeated down the page, it creates that "illusion" of there being a grayish "drop shadow" on both sides of the page. You can recreate a background image just like that one and place it as the background on your own page. As long as you have your sizing and placement correct, you can recreate the look.

That's one way.

Another way is to create a 3 column table for your page. In the far left and far right columns, place a graphic that looks like the gray drop shadow. Put your content in the middle. That's another way.

Also, Butcherluke, if you want to look at other websites and see how they did it, use Firefox with the add-on Firebug. It's an amazing tool. That's how I found that background image.