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View Full Version : Recommended web development books?

10 Aug 2009, 02:13 PM
Hi everyone, I would love to hear any recommendations for books. I like being able to thumb through an actual tangible resource rather than sitting in front of my computer all day.

I currently own Professional PHP 4 (http://www.amazon.com/Professional-PHP4-Programming-Deepak-Thomas/dp/1861006918), but that is a little over my head at the moment. (Yes, I know the current version is PHP 5, but I bought it for $1)

I would like to get my hands on a book about XHTML/CSS (preferably both in one book). Maybe another book about good design practices.

For XHTML/CSS, I have this book (http://www.amazon.com/XHTML-Sixth-Visual-Quickstart-Guide/dp/0321430840/) in mind. I don't have a clue regarding which one I should get for design.

I'm not a stranger to web development, but I'm far from being an expert. I know about XHTML and CSS (like divs, spans, fixed vs variable width, stuff like that)... But I would like some books to learn more.

What do you think?

11 Aug 2009, 01:41 PM
Don't Make Me Think by Paul Krug. Not a nuts and bolts books, but rather one on website usability and how to build websites that work for the users. I've recommended this book here many times and I sometimes give copies to clients so that they can get a better understanding behind the why and how of what we do. It's a slim volume and an easy read and may possibly be the best investment in a web book you'll ever make.