View Full Version : CSS menu keeps moving?

11 Aug 2009, 11:30 AM
Hey guys! My CSS menu, at http://www.derekjohansen.com/Web_Practice works well, but if you notice when you mouse over the links on the top, the links on the bottom slide around. I want to keep these static all the time. I used a menu generator to come up with the menu, because I'm real new to web development!

My CSS sheet for the menu is www.derekjohansen.com/Web_Practice/includes/menu_style.css and the menu can be found at www.derekjohansen.com/Web_Practice/includes/topmenu.php I have been working on this all morning and it's driving me CRAZY! I've played with nearly every setting and have uploaded and tested 82 times... No luck :(

Any help would be really appreciated!

