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View Full Version : Excel into Web Page

12 Aug 2009, 05:25 PM
Ok – I’m new to this website and new to making web pages so I think I’ve come to the right place. I want to know the steps in order to make a website which includes a spreadsheet from excel. Let me explain.

With Excel 2007 you can create a single file web page. You can publish this webpage by itself. But how do you include this single file web page into another webpage and yet still be able to use the auto republish function in excel. Here are some illustrations of what I'm talking about.

Input names in excel (http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_LRO5NT7Rnak/SoM-R9d8dmI/AAAAAAAAAD0/--OiMcnQ2RQ/s1600-h/Excel+input.bmp)
Select column H (http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_LRO5NT7Rnak/SoM-Iwxg5EI/AAAAAAAAADs/lBWlPJ792NM/s1600-h/Selected+colmn+H.bmp)
Save Selection as a Single File Web Page (http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_LRO5NT7Rnak/SoM9_qPSQKI/AAAAAAAAADk/LmHlZDC77d8/s1600-h/Save+Selection+as+a+Single+File+Web+Page.bmp)
Select Publish, AutoRepublish, and then Publish (http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_LRO5NT7Rnak/SoM90yHCHYI/AAAAAAAAADc/6BOmF0txhPA/s1600-h/Select+Publish,+AutoRepublish,+and+then+Publish.bmp)
Open File in Internet Explorer (http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_LRO5NT7Rnak/SoM9QznsemI/AAAAAAAAADU/OwdZWI7Rj-o/s1600-h/Open+file+in+the+internet.bmp)
A Normal Web Page with HTML, with Google Search bar, and a pop up Calendar Funtion (http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_LRO5NT7Rnak/SoM9CQlBO5I/AAAAAAAAADM/wRtvvjZ_pU8/s1600-h/Normal+Web+Page+with+title,+googlesearchbar,+and+calendar+function.bmp)
Final Result would be to insert a spreadsheet (http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_LRO5NT7Rnak/SoM81f8T4CI/AAAAAAAAADE/jBaObEGKF3Q/s1600-h/Final+Result+by+inserting+excel+spreadsheet+into+web+page.bmp)

Also, can you recommend any web programs that would be best to create a webpage that can insert excel. Also, very important that AutoRepublish can be used. Please give as many steps and information as possible. Thanks so much!
