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View Full Version : commercial API

20 Aug 2009, 03:07 PM
Does anyone know of a commercial API like YUI or EXT? I work as a Government contractor and we cannot use anything open sourse. I know all of the good ones are open, but what I need to find out is, are there any that that might do a similar job and are available only for a price? I know that seems strange but the idea is, true or not, that they are more secure.

I'm looking mainly for javascript libraries, things like expanding columns calendars etc. It doesn't have to be wonderful, I'd be happy to find anything at all!



01 Sep 2009, 02:12 AM
I know that seems strange but the idea is, true or not, that they are more secure

that's mental mate

Just because there is a cost involved does not make it any more secure!!!

Who is leading the project {Biz Analyst i bet}

You have to put your contractor / consultant head on and educate those making the ridiculous decisions