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25 Aug 2009, 09:46 AM
Hello Everyone,

I am 23 years old and live in Michigan. I have been baffled by making a career choice for the past 6 years. I decided recently I really enjoy web design and would like to learn more so I signed up for a Certificate program at the local community college. I started a company just to test the waters and a lot of my friends who own businesses, have asked me to make them websites. Even some people I don't know. Am I off to the right track? How do I know what language to learn? Many of my friends said you must learn all languages. Another friend said "You suck because you don't know flash and flash is the only thing people want on their websites." I am bit confused over which route to go. The flash site loaded much slower on my computer, and seemed redundant (how many times can you watch something move over and over?). She stated "you can't listen to your clients-they don't know what they want". I think she will fail at business with that attitude..but that may be just me.

My main question is this: Google Chrome OS is coming out on Netbooks I read and accordingly all programs they state will be web based.

Is this related to web development? I am assuming since someone would have to make the website. I am not very good with web design, but for just starting off I would say I am pretty decent. I have also helped many people with Internet marketing and have always loved computers. I assume web design can lead to opportunities to design web apps in the future if needed? Why do you enjoy web design? I start school in like a week and am just rather nervous to go back but excited to learn something I've been wanting to learn more about. I have to take the following classes:

Web Graphics Concepts
Javascript Programming for Websites
Introduction to Database Systems
Web Design I (uses Dreamweaver)
Web Design II
Web Animation (Flash)
Windows Server Administration (Whats this used for?)
Web System Development (JSP or ASP??)
XHTML Programming
Professional Communication
Beginning Digital Photography

Does this seem like a well rounded program? I am in Web Graphics Concepts and Web Design I. I am worried about the graphics since it uses Photoshop and I don't really know much about it... Thank you for your time.