View Full Version : Html help please

10 Sep 2009, 01:38 PM
Hi All

I need some help with the following html coding:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

<!-- MagicComment: MVTimeout -->

<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<title>Untangle Login</title>
<script type="text/javascript">if (top.location!=location) top.location.href=document.location.href;</script>
<style type="text/css">
/* <![CDATA[ */
@import url(/images/base.css);
/* ]]> */
<div id="main" style="width: 500px; margin: 50px auto 0 auto;">
<div class="main-top-left"></div><div class="main-top-right"></div><div class="main-mid-left"><div class="main-mid-right"><div class="main-mid">
<!-- Content Start -->

<img alt="" src="/images/BrandingLogo.gif" /><br />


Untangle Login

<div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 250px; padding: 40px 0 5px;">

<form method="post" action="/auth/login?url=/setup/welcome.do&amp;realm=Administrator">
<tr><td style="text-align:right">Server:</td><td><em>&nbsp;localhost</em></td></tr>
<tr><td style="text-align:right">Username:</td><td><input id="username" type="text" name="username" value="admin"/></td></tr>
<tr><td style="text-align:right">Password:</td><td><input id="password" type="password" name="password" /></td></tr>
<br />
<div style="text-align: center;"><button value="login" type="submit">Login</button></div>

<script type="text/javascript">document.getElementById('password').focus();</script>


<!-- Content End -->
</div></div></div><div class="main-bot-left"></div><div class="main-bot-right"></div>
<!-- Box End -->

What I need to know is how can I change the title. I cant seem to find the file contaning the html coding that i posted above. the way i found this coding was 'right clicked the web page and clicked on view source'
The code that I marked in red seems to be the "file"(welcome.do) that contains this code, but i cant seem to find the file.

Please, any help will be appreciated

Best regards:smash:

10 Sep 2009, 08:05 PM
What kind of access do you have to the files? Are you connecting using FTP? Or do you have a network drive mount? If you have some kind of terminal access (on a Linux host), you could run a grep to find the <title> tag somewhere.