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View Full Version : need help with DHTML

01 Oct 2009, 01:44 PM
So I'm using a dynamic-drive DHTML script for my upcoming fan/resource site.

This is the http://www.dynamicdrive.com/dynamicindex1/mouseovertabs.htm
This is my http://earledavies.com/iPhone/tcpv2/1/

What I want to do is when a visitor rolls over one of the navigation links, for example "Files", I want a sub-navigation to appear in the yellow-ish area with more links to click on. The part I am stuck at I guess is keeping the rollover images to work. If worse comes to worse, I wont do rollovers. It would be a super pluss if I could though.

If anyone can help me, please PM me or aim, my sn is mlprly.
I appreciate it, thanks.