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View Full Version : Sliding doors drop down menu hover question

18 Oct 2009, 09:35 PM
Hi there,

I have a site online which has been developed using Drupal. I'm using a drop-down menu which is working fine, but I'd like to add tabs based on the 'sliding doors' technique to provide a nicer look. I got the sliding doors to work using 2 images, but then I tried to use 4 to provide an alternative colour when the tab is hovered over.

I added the css: li:hover a in order to implement a change of background image for the 'a' part of the tab and this works fine. The problem I have however is that this affects all the 'a' links below it in the drop down, so I end up with a drop down full of half tabs when it is revealed.

I'm I failing to do something fundamental here? How can I override this image? I can naturally specify a hover for all of these sub 'a' entries, but this doesn't take effect until they are hovered over.

I'm relatively new to CSS, but I think that I've got my head around the key concepts. It's just this menu issue which is driving me up the wall.

Unfortunately I only have the old menu online at the moment so I have no online example of my problem. Still, any help would be greatly appreciated.

Oh, this is my first post on this forum. Hi everybody!


19 Oct 2009, 05:09 AM
It's usually better to start with a menu that works and edit it. You will find several sliding doors menus here:-
in the left column