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View Full Version : Direction for a promotional giveaway website

17 Nov 2009, 11:00 AM
Hi all, have a question which I have been struggling to draft up properly.

My intention is to set up a site which is will be freeXXX.com. A free product website. Basically it will give away a travel sized item.

What I would request from visitors (or those wanting to participate) is content. I want to be able to offer an area which users can follow directions and submit a story/article/feedback...something of content which will be sent to review (myself). My goals from there would be to gain quality content/context for future writings that would help expand my reach and help educate interested consumers. Figure if handled correctly it could become a good tool for feedback and market research. would be fantastic if the url went viral...via cheapskates and hopefully by those who see value in it. Who knows what will happen :)

The site must also be built to have proper tags, etc for seo/sem.

My dreamweaver skills are very novice, but I have made a few sites now. Curious if there are templates or any resources I could look at to serve my purpose. Any insight would be greatly appreciated!