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View Full Version : Problem - overly large spaces?

21 Nov 2009, 02:36 PM
I just set up a website (first time), and I can't figure out why the spaces beside one of the pictures are larger than normal.. any help would be appreciated.

website - www.freedarkfallguides.com

<div id="column2">
<h1>darkfall online</h1>
<span class="left"><img src="style/introdf.jpg" alt="example graphic" /></span>
Darkfall is an MMORPG/FPS action game recently released by Aventurine.
Darkfall has most of the features one would associate with fantasy based MMORPGs, but in Darkfall it’s the players and their actions that shape the world. We provide you with the platform and the tools to engage in grand activities such as kingdom building, politics, strategy, diplomacy, combat, warfare, conquest, and racial wars. We also offer you the freedom and the option to not get involved in any of that if you don’t want to, and to follow a path of your own.