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View Full Version : E-Commerce or Web Dev Master's Programs?

06 Dec 2009, 09:11 PM

I am new to this forum and hope to gain some insight from you professionals on Master's programs related to E-Commerce or Web Development/Design in general.

I am a beginner/novice in that I know HTML, CSS, and some Javascript, but I would prefer formal training, as I learn more coding and tie it all together in developing good websites. Of course I can learn coding online (which I am currently doing), but I feel it would also be advantageous for me to have formal training in designing a website from scratch, and that I could probably learn it all in a much shorter time than on my own.

Can you point me in the direction of some E-Commerce or Web Dev Master's programs that you are aware of? I don't want to go for a Computer Science Master's, as I'm not really interested in learning stuff like C++ etc. I have found a few E-Commerce programs at major universities that look pretty good, but I figured this forum may be a good place to ask.

Thank you in advance.