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View Full Version : Laying out 125px button ads?

10 Dec 2009, 09:14 PM

I'm working on a wordpress template at the moment and I'm stuck in the sidebar trying to figure out how to layout the 125px x 125px banner ads like you see on http://www.psdtuts.com/ or http://vandelaydesign.com/blog/

I know that they're using a script from BuySellAds.com to do it but I'd like to do it manually to sell my own. Right now I have my 4 ads in a <ul> and each one is an <li> tag. However, how should I work the spacing? If I put margin-left and margin-right on the ads, they won't be equally spaced. How in the word do people do this? I'm puzzled and would appreciate any expert advice!

Thanks in advance!

11 Dec 2009, 05:01 AM
Only use a margin right or a margin left, not both. Maybe using a padding to get the edge at which your banners start to get the first one in the correct starting position. Make sense?