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View Full Version : Encrypt Email with PHP and Decrypt with WHAT?

11 Dec 2009, 12:56 PM
Okay, I'm not sure this is in the right place but here goes....

On a website with SSL we want to capture some information using a web form and then take that information and create an encrypted email that we send off when the user clicks the submit button. The programming language is PHP. I did some research and it seems that GNU Privacy Guard (GPG) is the cheapest solution (because it's free). My understanding is that we would have to install the GPG components on our web server (hosted by Go Daddy) and then we can use PHP scripting to encrypt the email and send it off when users submit the form. Where it gets fuzzy is how will the recipient of the email decrypt the email. They are using MS Outlook. Do they have to also have the GPG components installed? Or is there some sort of plug-in for Outlook that they can use which will decrypt these emails for them? Is this even the best route for encrypting and decrypting emails? Any suggestions? Please help.