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View Full Version : intergrated blog

11 Dec 2009, 05:19 PM
Ok. here is my website that Im currently setting up. www.hiphopoth.com

I am looking for a blog system that I can add to the site. Something I can display news with, reviews, etc.

Is it possible to integrate wordpess instead of making my whole site based from word press?

or are there better options for my situation?

*wish I could edit my spelling mistake lol*

14 Dec 2009, 02:18 AM
You might want to look at expression engine (http://expressionengine.com/). It's a $250 license for a commercial site and free for any non-commercial site. The content management system is really easy to use and to convert your design into - it also has the blog modules that are already built that you can drop into the site.

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