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View Full Version : CSS Issue Urgent plz help

13 Dec 2009, 12:54 AM
Hello, I have set up a highschool website done in .asp and when it opens up in different browsers Its not adjusting properly.

Here is what i would like to fix :
-I want the header to adjust in width with the rest of site design without ruining the quallity of the image,when the screen is too large it leaves a blank white spot.

-Some text that displays on some of the various pages of the site , should have more of an indent on the right side of the page.

Last is that it doesnt show certain images when i open it in IE , and the whole school uses IE, but when I open it up in FIreFox the images come up fine.

Here is the adress: mathieumartin.nbed.nb.ca (http://mathieumartin.nbed.nb.ca)

Please help me asap
Thanks in advance guys

14 Dec 2009, 07:21 AM
Hello kstyles,

Regarding the masthead image: It is not possible (nor desirable) to stretch an image depending upon the width of the screen. Instead, set the image to be aligned centrally within the screen and set the background to be the base or bleed of the masthead.

<div id="masthead">
<img src="masthead.jpg" />

margin:0px auto;

You may need to slightly redesign the masthead image so that it has the same colour at the left and right hand edge and therefore fits with the background colour that you have set.

I hope that helps as a starting point.

