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View Full Version : New member here

14 Dec 2009, 09:50 AM
Hey all, not sure if this is the appropriate place to post my intro, but anywhere here it is.

I did a few websites a few years back, nothing with server side programming, but just some HTML, CSS and a little javascript. I just did side work for some friends, web development is a hobby for me, not my main job. Anywho all three of the sites I did have become defunct as the owners decided to let their businesses go by the wayside.

At any rate, I have a few ideas of my own and have decided to get back into it. It's time to learn some php and add a little function to my skill set. I look forward to reading what ya'll have to say hopefully I can help teach and learn.

10 Jan 2010, 06:11 AM
Hi all,

I myself am also new to these forums. Ever since I was a teenager I have been interested in web design but I never really made the jump from html to CSS. I've decided to try and be at least a little serious now and learn html, css and javascript properly but it is proving more difficult than I was hoping!

Aside from computers I am very much into sport and in particular volleyball.

Nice to be here!