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View Full Version : Need to get a good course and advice to be a professional web designer

18 Dec 2009, 05:02 PM
Hello Everyone,
I am new over here. I would like to be web designer. But I am a bit confused… According different messages that I could read over here, most of people advice to go on tutorial websites, and to learn and practice by myself. So I take this advice seriously but at the same time, I would like to get a certified and recognized training/qualification.
I saw a school in London but I am not sure if it is efficient… what do you think?
Please help me

13 Jan 2010, 04:38 PM
Hi. I'm new here too.

First up, I think you need to decide whether you want to be a designer, a developer or both. Do you want to do it commercially, or just as a hobby?

Let's assume you want to be a designer/developer for your career. I've been on formal training course with my work, and I can tell you if I'd paid for them myself, I'd have been pretty annoyed. Unless you are lucky enough to be in a group with people at the same level, who take things in at the same speed, you will find yourself in one of two situations. Either the tutor will race through it all and you'll miss half of it or not understand everything properly, or you'll be sat there bored, watching pound signs dropping down the drain as you wait for everyone else to grasp the basic concepts.

Tutorials are good. Practice is better. Experience is best.

Save your money for now. Once you have built up a reasonable skill level, if you want to be certified, you will have a better idea of which path to follow.