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View Full Version : which coding to learn

28 Jan 2010, 01:13 PM
Hi guys. Im new here, so pardon my ignorance :)

My aim with this thread is to learn which skills i need to require in addition to what i already know in order to make a small, but professionally looking article site.

I have two sidebars, a middle "main page", on which i want the articles to be displayed. Is my assumption correct that i need to learn ASP(X?) in order to have the sitebars/header/footer/everything but the main page remain passive while the visitor browses through the articles via the sitebar. Put in other, perhaps more clear, words: I'd like to make it so only the middle div (the one showing the actual article) load as the visitors uses the article links.

Background: I know xhtml and css, can do enough with photoshop to handle the images and graphics.

Is ASP the correct language to learn in order to achieve what is described above?

Are there any specially adapted platforms for showing articles that i can implement on top of my xhtml?

THanks in advance guys :)