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View Full Version : Need to make a website, but need some help

29 Jan 2010, 03:09 PM
Do you guys know the game diablo2? Well hopefully you do, otherwise i cant describe this to you, lol.

I want the first page of my website to be kinda "animated". I want a character like the merchant Akara in diablo 2. When you enter the website, this character will be standing there, it will just walk back and forth until you click on it. Once you do, something like the merchant trade window in diablo2 would pop up. In this window you can buy stuff.

I have zero experience programming, so this is probably impossible for me to do myself. So the question is, how much would it cost to get done? just a rough estimate.

here s a video to give you an idea, at 25 seconds


04 Feb 2010, 10:39 AM
Custom animation usually runs around a couple thousand.