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View Full Version : Setup Html documentation

11 Feb 2010, 01:45 AM
I would like to know if someone can help me with my html documentation.

I am using a dev tool that has visual representation of code. You can right click on anything and select what is this and the help file is opening on that specific topic.

But it opens the following URL:

While the actual documentation is located in :

The program doesnt have a setting to set. Do i need to move the help files to somewhere or should I map it to somewhere. I read alot on this but the only help I found was with Apache which I do not have installed. It works on my colleuges's pc. He also doesnt have Apache or IIS (is not installed if I look at add/remove windows components) and we both run win xp.

Does anyone know how to config this. It will really be help full and save me a lot of time.


12 Feb 2010, 03:42 AM
For the HTML Documentation and coding with some very good detailed examples, please visit the following site...

