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View Full Version : I'm so lost - jQuery & JS

12 Feb 2010, 11:41 PM
I am in need of building a pricing calculator of sorts, and am having little luck.

What I need is similar to a shopping cart, but I have no need to submit anything as far as, "purchase items, I just need the user to be able to select things and it update the price instantly. And on top of that I need to change the values based on quantity.

Such as product a is $1.00 if you want 100, but product a is $0.50 if you want 1000.

I have been searching all over and watching tutorials on jquery(mostly) and javascript trying to wrap my head around it and having little luck. I need to know a good place to start or something to help me understand these languages.

I just need help, i have been learning css for about a week and a half now and am starting to get comfortable in that, but i think i might be in over my heard with jquery.