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View Full Version : 301 Redirect headaches

13 Feb 2010, 06:59 PM
We used to have an ecommerce website set up last year that has been online long enough to be googled cached. However we switched to a new platform and all of the urls after the main domain name have changed. Since we have so many cached pages, all of those links showing up by default are taking people to "Page not found" pages.

The robots file has restricted 800 pages so far as wwell. Not sure how/why.

I know basic html that's it. I'm not sure what are options are to getting those cached pages to go to new urls. They were HTML pages, now they are ASPX pages if that makes any different. I read online about modifying an htaccess file which I tried that however didnt seem to work.

I used this format:
REDIRECT 301 /old/site/url.html http://www.newsite.com/newurl.aspx

Didnd't work!!!! I'm at a standstill trying to figure this out and why it wont work. The site is on a network solutions platform now, the ecommerce site.

Anyone have any input? I'd think this would be an easy thing, but since Im limited in web knowledge I'm stuck.
