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View Full Version : Is Scratch My Back Marketing For You?

A Local SEO
14 Feb 2010, 09:05 PM
Ever heard of Scratch My Back Marketing? It is likely that you have not.

It is basically about non spam link building.

Scratch My Back Marketing is a link building process that involves the use of branding and advertising in the link building process. It requires that you, the link builder, exchange useful content or comments in exchange for valuable Do Follow backlinks. It may also involve using videos.

The advantages of Scratch My Back Marketing can be huge. Your link building comments or posts are definitely less likely to be deleted if you add value and are not self promoting. An additional benefit is that it might actually produce increased website traffic and business.

Think about this: have you ever visited a site or blog from a comment that read "great topic?" The answer is likely no. But it is possible that you might a website from someone who left a useful blog or forum comment.

Also think about this: Have you ever done business with someone who left a comment that read "great post?" The answer again is likely no.

Yes, adding useful content and comments does take more time but those comments are not likely to be deleted so you are further ahead in the long run.