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View Full Version : Looking for advice please - PHP scripting, content management for web directory

02 Mar 2010, 07:37 AM
Hi. First post! I am wanting to build a web directory, listing joiners and plumbers (both independent and business) in my local area. I am a complete nublet when it comes to things like this, so please forgive me! 2nd attempt at posting as my first didn't show:-(

The site needs to allow for the following search parameters -

City (town)
Cost p/h

With advanced search functions consisting of -

City (town)
Cost p/h
Date added

It also needs to be capable of allowing users to register as either a business or an independant company/individual in real time. The information given should then be added to the directory. Info for registration being - name, address, photo(if applicable), the usual really.
Some kind of ability to "vet" the information given is also vital, as is the ability to remove/update at will. A member ability to edit details (again, in realtime) would also be very beneficial.

Although I have no problems with designing websites, I do have a problem when it comes to scripting/php - ie the more advanced side of things. Can anyone reccomend any PHP scripts / tools that I could use to accomplish the above? I was considering using Dolphin7, but I am not sure if it allows me the flexibility I require.

All / any help is GREATLY appreciated:-)


02 Mar 2010, 01:09 PM
2nd attempt at posting as my first didn't show:-(

Your posts are moderated as you are a new member


You cant build an application by using pre written scripts and copy & pasted code

You can either learn as you go or contract it out

This will cost you thousands to outsource which is what you would expect

Maybe a CMS (Drupal) would help but this would still mean you would have to tackle a steep learning curve

If you choose code writing software then you will run into problems