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View Full Version : HTTP Browsing

Noor Nashid
18 Mar 2010, 03:52 PM
Dear All,

I want to know about the following scenario.

Suppose a user is browsing a website. So at first we send one GET
request like
GET /HTTP/1.1 HOST: www.google.com.sg.

After that what happens? The server responds with a POST messages. Is
it like at first the index HTML is back with a POST to the browser?

And then the browser sends the subsequent GET after parsing the HTML
page and it is how the Browser gets the objects of a page?

Please correct me if I am wrong.


19 Mar 2010, 05:19 AM
The common Scenario is

Step 1:
User send request to access the URL from browser via Request object
Step 2
The web server give the page in html and obviously it will be index.html or default.html (or what you set default page in your web document, usually it is your home page named with index.html or default.html)
Step 3:
Once user get the response via response object from Server, he then make postback and send data form and then depends what statement management will be used either Session, application etc.
Because http is stateless protocol and to manage the state web technologies has introduce the concept of statement management either client side or server site state.