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View Full Version : Trouble installing PHP User Managment Package

22 Mar 2010, 12:41 PM
Hello Everyone,

First off I just joined the forum! I've been looking for a good web developer community to join, hopefully I have found it!

Anyways, to get to the point, I am building an application for my client's website (which I also built) which will consist of a user management section (customers can sign up and login, client can control and browse the users), it will also contain an affiliate program so that affiliates can sign up, and re-sell his products while the website will intern record any sales the affiliates make and keep track of their profit. Last but not least the website will also process orders and keep track of orders. Oh and not to mention, customers will of coarse be able to see their orders (past and present) and their order status.

Now that I have laid out a summary of the work scope, I was looking for a shortcut so that I do not have to develop the user management system manually (waste of time), AS LONG AS I can find a pre-packaged user system that will be useful.

Well I think I have found one, it is called php_users, the website link is http://www.majordojo.com/php-users/ . I am having trouble getting it installed though, if you take a look at the install notes it says to create an alias in the Apache config file to where the php users install path is stored. I have created alias before, but can't seem to figure out where this all ties in together. Any ideas? If you have heard of any better solutions that may fit my problem please let me know!
