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View Full Version : Blank nested Google Map div on EI6

16 Apr 2010, 10:15 AM
My site: http://beta.ats.wavefront.ca

I am going for an 'iTunes' type interface with a header, fixed width side nav bar and a 100% width / height main content window with the map and a status type bar on the bottom.

It works on Safari on the Mac and seems to work on EI 7 & 8 but not EI 6.

I am sure it's my CSS (http://beta.ats.wavefront.ca/css/default.css) and my overflow etc. I am a bit of a newbie at this - can anyone give me some idea as to what my error is?



Sono Juventino
17 Apr 2010, 12:59 AM
What is not working properly here? I don't have IE6 available, but this seem like a pretty easy site to get working. When glancing at you code, I don't see the reason for some of the divs and some of the css. Should be pretty straight-forward to re-do this if you tell me what kind of problems you are getting.