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View Full Version : Hidden Server-Side Include

12 May 2010, 12:38 PM
Hi there.

The pages in question are: http://www.thepeopleupstairs.com/index.html and http://www.thepeopleupstairs.com/tour.html

I'm attempting to use an include to display an "upcoming shows" list beneath the Flash music player in the right column and by itself on /tour.html. It's displaying fine in Dreamweaver, but is hidden when I view it in IE and Firefox.

Here's the URL of the page I'm attempting to include: http://www.thepeopleupstairs.com/showsinclude.html

Any help would be appreciated. It's driving me nuts.

Thank you.

12 May 2010, 04:23 PM
By the looks of things, you have sorted it out. What did you do?

I would have said change the file extension to PHP?, although i cant see what you have changed it too? I checked .php / .php3 / .phtml

Ps, your navigation needs changing, because your linking to a index.html file which now doesn't exisit