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View Full Version : Trouble Formatting Header

20 May 2010, 07:32 PM
Hi everyone. I'm relatively new to web design, but have been pretty successful in customizing themes to suit my needs up until now. I'm using WordPress to power my site and recently decided that I wanted a forum as well. I decided to integrate WP and bbPress and did so successfully. Now I'm trying to modify the bbPress theme to look like my WordPress theme, but I'm having some trouble formatting it.

I created a individual divs inside the header wrapper for the title text graphic and the logo, but can't find out how to resize and position them to replicate the main wordpress page. I'm using FireBug to test my changes, and I can get the logo to 200px like on the main page by adding an "element style" and inputting:

"height: 200px;"

However, I can't find any way to permanently make the change in the header.php or style.css files.

Some help would be greatly appreciated.


**This problem has since been resolved.