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View Full Version : Float Window resize problem

23 May 2010, 08:49 AM
I have a problem with CSS. Everytime I resize the browser window or change the screen resolution, the floated divs disappear when the window gets smaller. Same when the screen resolution gets smaller. I need help. Thanks. I'm currently having problems when it comes to laying out my page that fits on any resolution.

24 May 2010, 01:06 AM
Simplest solution is to make your page fixed width and put it all inside a #wrap div:-


#wrap { position: relative. width: ???px; margin: 0 auto; }

HTML markup:-

doctype here
Head section
<div id="wrap">
All page html here

Remember to include a doctype as the first item of your HTML page code from here:-

The #wrap div width should be the total widths of all you divs in the same line plus all their side margins, side padding and side borders.