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View Full Version : mootools & cornerradius plugin

25 May 2010, 11:16 PM
Hi All..

Trying to find my way around mootools, its all new to me so I'm a bit of a novice..

has anyone had any luck with borderradius plugin? (mootools forge) (http://mootools.net/forge/p/borderradius)

I'm using this style call:

new BorderRadius($('#box'), {'radius': 10});

because the other style (mentioned in that link) throws an "unexpected '}' " error

using that "new BorderRadius" style call everything works with no warnings/errors in chrome, but ie7 throws an "object doesn't support this property or method" error.

I've read that that error can be caused by the page not loading mootools before your script is executed.. but my entire script is enclosed in an :
window.addEvent('domready', function() {


the plugin is said to be compatible with IE6+ and obviously... if I cant get it working with IE then I'm better off with css border-radius.

I've had some luck (though not complete success) with jquery curvycorners - So I'm yet to decide which I'll go with.. none seem to be trouble free solutions. I tend to like mootools more because the code seems more readable to me. But ultimately, if one could provide reliable curved corners in IE, I think thats the one I'd end up using the most.

Any thoughts?