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View Full Version : PLEASE HELP! Coding & Columns in WP

10 Jun 2010, 08:03 PM
Columns & WP coding:

I had my layout made for me by someone else.

I have my current layout with my main page on the left side, and my 2 columns on the right side. Here is the link. I have it open temporally as I am not finished - http://steveaustinweb.com .

BUT I wish to have my new layout with my main page in the middle, and with 1 column on the right side and the other on the left (like the one I have for my old website here - http://steveaustinweb.blogspot.com ).

How do I go about doing this?

You can e-mail me here if you need to - steveaustinweb@gmail.com.

Thank you. Your help is VERY appreciated!!!

- Joyce

11 Jun 2010, 07:16 PM
It wont look fantastic, but you can just float your content div to the right.