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View Full Version : Help! IE7 and cross-browser compatibility

16 Jun 2010, 10:27 AM
I'm in the later stages of working on a website, and I previewed it today for the first time in IE7. It's... kinda messed up in a lot of areas. I built it in DW CS4, previewing it in Firefox and IE8. I have knowledge of HTML and CSS, and I used a mixture of coding and WYSIWYG to create the site.

Here it is: http://www.alpha-lemur.com

It's just up to be tested right now, so there's no actual cart to put products into or anything, and it's still unfinished in a lot of ways. The main pages I've had problems with in IE7 are Distributors, the High-Speed Serial Products part of the Products page, and the fact that the Products drop-down menu drops across. My question is: how do I fix the page to work in IE7 and below while keeping the way it looks now in Firefox and IE8?

I hope that was clear enough. If you need any of my code, let me know. I'm pretty desperate :/ Thanks in advance!