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View Full Version : Please help with wordpress or give suggestions

18 Jun 2010, 09:42 PM
I posted this on yahoo answers so ill just paste here

I am having problems with Wordpress.org please help?
Ok, my website is http://www.hiphopdogs.com you can go to it. Ok, if you go to the page, you will see that my wordpress blog is there. The only way i was able to get it there, is by renaming my index.html page to index.html.old on my server

well im trying to add this to my index.html page which is now gone. I dont know what to do i been at this for ours. I want to go to my index.html page, and see my website, and have the wordpress on the same page. What am i doing wrong? . I login to the admin, i type a blog, hit publish, and view, but then its only my website with something like ?=1 after my url. So someone suggested that i change index.html to index.html.old and that gave me my blog, but now my index page is gone. How do i combine the 2 like its suppose to be? Thank you please help
5 minutes ago - 4 days left to answer.
Additional Details
I dont know if i should be using this i am a amateur. All i want to do with my website is put current news on my site, and have people be able to leave comments. I would love to add a members login to help with spam, and i also want to be able to ad videos to the site. Id also like if possible, a way for people to see how many times a topic has been viewed also
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