View Full Version : A good html book

05 Jul 2010, 09:22 PM
Hey everyone, first post here. I have made 3 sites on wysiwyg programs and I want to learn html legitimately. I feel once I nail this down I will be able to provide web design on the side for extra money. Check bluemoosedesigned.com for a couple sites that I did for poops and giggles. Just don't bash em too bad..... they were made by a sitebuilder hah
thanks guys!

06 Jul 2010, 01:28 AM
Have a look at the 'Head First' series of books. I believe there is one aimed at HTML and CSS and another at full web design. They are meant to be well written and humorous in places so a good place to start. Personally I started with a Dreamweaver for Dummies book a few years ago as Dreamweaver was my software of choice back then.