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View Full Version : Email Newsletter Driving Me Crazy!

07 Jul 2010, 03:24 PM
I cannot seem to figure out why Outlook is breaking my newsletter.

I designed with tables and under 600px width, with an outer table for my background color.

here is the link to the newsletter, in the format that I am trying to send

It looks great in gmail, thunderbird and hotmail, but when I open it with outlook the tables break and nothing aligns correctly ( screenshot (http://img257.imageshack.us/i/screenshotam.jpg/))

Here is my code - can anyone help fix this?

<table width="100%" border="0" bordercolor="#666666" cellpadding="1%" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#555555" >

<table width="590px" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">

<img src="http://www.mortgageproblog.com/img/newsletter/toplineneu.png" width="590" height="120" align="left"/>

<img src="http://www.mortgageproblog.com/img/newsletter/seperatortop.png" width="590" height="10" align="left" />

<img src="http://www.mortgageproblog.com/img/newsletter/spacer10x620white.png" width="590" height="10" align="left" />

<img src="http://www.mortgageproblog.com/img/newsletter/spacer7x403.png" width="5" height="206" align="left" />

<img src="http://www.mortgageproblog.com/img/newsletter/geoffpic2.jpg" width="197" height="206" align="left" vspace="3px" />

<img src="http://www.mortgageproblog.com/img/newsletter/spacer7x403.png" width="20" height="206" align="left" />

<a href="http://www.twitter.com/mortgageproblog"><img src="http://www.mortgageproblog.com/img/newsletter/twitterbuttonsmaller.png" width="350" height="100" border="0" align="left" /></a>

<img src="http://www.mortgageproblog.com/img/newsletter/spacer7x403.png" width="350" height="7" align="left" />

<a href="http://facebook.mortgageproblog.com/"><img src="http://www.mortgageproblog.com/img/newsletter/facebookbuttonsmaller.png" width="350" height="100" border="0" align="left" /></a>

<img src="http://www.mortgageproblog.com/img/newsletter/spacer10x620white.png" width="590" height="10" align="left" />

<td BGCOLOR="#ebebeb" >
<img src="http://www.mortgageproblog.com/img/newsletter/seperatorbottom.png" width="590" height="10" align="left" />
<img src="http://www.mortgageproblog.com/img/newsletter/spacer10x620grey.png" width="590" height="10" align="left" />
<p><font face="Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif" size="+3" color="#555555"><center><strong>Social Media Gets Real Results <br />
for Real Estate Professionals</strong></center></font></p>
<img src="http://www.mortgageproblog.com/img/newsletter/spacer10x150grey.png" width="10" height="220" align="left"/><font color="#ebebeb">.....</font><em>Unless you don't know how to turn on a computer, you've probably heard something about social media and social networking. We want to help you leap in and take advantage of this great opportunity to build your client base and supercharge your business.</em>
<h2><font color="#555555">5 steps and 15 minutes to Social Media Success</font></h2>
<strong>Step 1: Identify Your Audience</strong>
<br />
Like any good marketing campaign, you need to start with an audience in mind. Think of your "average" customer. What demographics are they a member of? Here is a chart showing social networks and the demographics that they are most popular with....<em><a href="http://www.mortgageproblog.com">read more on our blog</a></em>
<img src="http://www.mortgageproblog.com/img/newsletter/spacer10x620grey.png" width="590" height="10" align="left" />
<img src="../Documents/oregonveteransmortgage/img/newsletter/seperatortop.png" width="590" height="10" align="left" />
<td><a href="http://www.mortgageproblog.com"><img src="http://www.mortgageproblog.com/img/newsletter/bottompic2.png" width="200" height="200" hspace="2" border="0" align="left" /></a>
<img src="http://www.mortgageproblog.com/img/newsletter/spacer35x200white.png" width="35" height="200" align="left" />
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<li><a href="#">VA Loans Part 1: 10 Common Myths about VA Loans</a></li>
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<tr><td><img src="http://www.mortgageproblog.com/img/newsletter/spacer10x620white.png" width="590" height="10" />
<font size="-1">Want to stop recieving this newsletter? Send an email to <a href="mailto:deleted?subject=I%20Want%20To%20Unsubscribe%20From%20Your%20Newsletter&body=Please%20Remove%20Me%20From%20Your%20Mailing%20List.">deleted</a> to unsubscribe.</font><br /><br /><font size="-3">The material provided is for informational and educational purposes only and should not be construed as investment, business and/or mortgage advice, or a commitment to lend. Although the material is deemed to be accurate and reliable, there is no guarantee of its accuracy. The material contained in the newsletter is the property ofPrimeLending, A PlainsCapital Company and cannot be reproduced for any use without prior written consent. It is designed for real estate and other financial professionals only. It is not intended for consumer distribution. The material does not represent the opinion of PrimeLending, A PlainsCapital Company. </font></td></tr>

08 Jul 2010, 12:52 PM
does anyone know how to fix this? I redesigned to use images that had the white space i needed embedded in them, and its still doing it. very frustrating. Im thinking it has something to do with the Align property not being used properly by outlook?