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View Full Version : Need some advice from more seasoned developers.

12 Jul 2010, 09:04 PM
Hello All:nana:

I am in the process of trying to get an idea off the ground. I am taking off on a venture just to see where it goes and I need some advice.

The site I am doing is called you-vent.com and what it will be (eventually); is a site that gives the user a place to vent (blow off steam), rant, rave or speak their minds on one of hundreds of of topics. The kewl thing about this site is that they can do so anonymously. The user can either allow or not allow feed back (on a per post basis). Similar to a forum; members will have a username only; and that is how they will be identified.

Other users can then read other peoples rants etc based on topic or username and leave feedback (if the user allows it). In the end the site would be something between a blog, a forum and twitter.... but completely based on rants, gripes and vents.

I would like the final flow to look and act more like a blog but have some of the features of forum (use of avatars, pics etc). It is also important that there is security logging available for all posts (accessible by the admins if needed)

What programs would be appropriate for this? I was looking at wordpress or b2evo but don't know if it will do all I want it to do. what do you all suggest?

18 Jul 2010, 10:31 PM
Wordpress will be your best bet by far. The number of plugins available for that platform is nearly endless, and you will surely find what you need. Also, the number of Wordpress themes (1,000's) means you can style the site however you want.