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View Full Version : Information on forms.

16 Jul 2010, 03:17 PM
Hello all, I'm brand new to the forum. I'm also fairly new to web development and unfortunately am working on a project that is a little beyond my current ability.

What I am ultimately looking for is a form that adds new fields based upon choices made in the previous field. I've seen these things on many textbook websites. On those sites, you choose what semester you are looking for and then subjects appear, then you choose a subject and then books appear.

I am wondering if there is a script / program already around that would make designing something like this easier, and if not, I'm wondering if anyone has any suggestions on languages or books or tutorials to start with.

Thanks for reading,

18 Jul 2010, 02:23 PM
It's done with javascript. You can check at www.hotscripts.com to see if they have anything there.

It would take a little bit of learning, but you'll need to use javascript to alter the page (based on the HTML DOM) when a user changes the contents of a field.