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View Full Version : Need some assistance/guidance

Ray penbar
17 Jul 2010, 04:06 AM
Hello there, I'm new to this site :)

Thought i would make my first post about a project that i am working on.
I am currently in the process of designing a simple website which will be created on the basis of being a Vote and comment board type thing.

I have basic html understanding and i would greatly appreciate some help on something that i am stuck on at the moment, Below is a very rough template on what i will be working with.

i have labeled each section with a letter to help me explain what i need help with :).

General idea of the site:
its a site targeted at people that want to debate on the site topic and show their opinions


A: Shows the winning side via a picture representing that side.

B: The Site administrator is able to write a message (much like a facebook status update) here which will be seen by all visitors that go to the site.

C: each of these small boxes represent each side that you can vote for you tick the box you are voting for...

D: Is where you write a comment alongside the vote that you have picked
and the orange rectangle below that is the submit comment/vote button

E: shows all the Comments and side they have voted for (everyone can see this)

if anyone has any questions about this please be sure to ask and i will try to answer the best i can. :o:yawn:

EDIT: or even point me in the right direction to a web language that would be best suited for this type of project.
Cheers - Ray

18 Jul 2010, 02:15 PM
For the design of the site (the visual layout of the site) you would use HTML and CSS.

As far as the dynamics of the site itself (the comments, the voting, etc) you will need a scripting language to process everything and a database to store the submitted information. I would suggest PHP for the scripting language and MySQL for the database since they are both open source and widely used.

You can google "HTML tutorial", "CSS tutorial", etc and get a descent understanding of how everything works.