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View Full Version : A few questions

02 Aug 2010, 06:34 PM
1. How do I put a image for the sides of my website? For example this site has just gray.

2.Is there a adobe program that i could buy that will help me with design and positioning?

3.Are there any tutorials on the concept of designing websites. Do i need to make separate image then put them together with HTML,CSS or can i just make the whole design in photoshop then just add it the the website.

05 Aug 2010, 07:55 PM
1. There are many ways to do that, and the best way depends on how the rest of your website is formatted.

2. The adobe program for website design is called Dreamweaver. I'd look for open source alternatives, though. Personally, I prefer designing by hand.

3. The way I design website layouts is by creating the whole thing in photoshop, then cropping it into pieces for logos, links, backgrounds, etc.