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View Full Version : enemies?

03 Aug 2010, 09:11 AM
Hey everyone,
So I'm working on an online browser based rpg, and have come to a situation. Now I intend to use a map with each player having a x and y axis on the map rather then rely simply on just text based stuff.

None the less when creating an npc (non player character) database table, I thought about the various enemies I would place onto the map. Now I want there to always be random creatures walking through the map all the time, but thought that it would be a pain in the ass to have to change their location on the map all the time. Not to mention I would like an admin feature to be a "Battle Zone" attack button which would allow administrators to send somewhat of a full frontal assault on a location comprised of many many beasties.

Does anybody have an idea as to how I could have a bunch of creatures on the map which randomly move around at a set speed, and be able to randomly create a mass herd of em to send somewhere?